
    方案一:curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php , 如果你的curl不能用,也可以使用一下的方案。



    php composer.phar self-update


    1.Could not fetch https://api.github.com/repos/jquery/jquery, enter your GitHub cr

edentials to go over the API rate limit
    The credentials will be swapped for an OAuth token stored in C:/Users/idiot/AppD
ata/Roaming/Composer/auth.json, your password will not be stored
    To revoke access to this token you can visit https://github.com/settings/applica

    2.Your github oauth token for github.com contains invalid characters: ""



    1.首先你要更新到最新版本:php composer.phar self-update

    2.登录到Github “generated a token”增加一个新的Token

    3.运行cmd  php composer.phar config -g github-oauth.github.com token (token值为你新增的)

    这样就解决掉问题了,哈哈 !